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Clarification on The Straits Times article dated 28 January 2005 on "Unlicensed financial services firms on MAS list doubles". (Pg H34)

The above article reports that the number of unlicensed financial services firms on the Monetary Authority of Singapore's "Investor Alert List" has nearly doubled in the past six months. This list which is compiled by the MAS, aims to alert investors about unauthorized firms providing financial services. Consumers dealing with such unregulated entities will not be protected under the laws administered by MAS. Licensed firms on the other hand are constantly scrutinized by MAS, and company officials face heavy fines and a jail term if laws are breached. In an accompanying table to the article, one of the unregulated entities is listed as Chartered Asset Management.

We would like to clarify that the above-mentioned unregulated entity referred to in the MAS "Investor Alert List" is based in Thailand. Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd does not have any operations in Thailand. Full details of the unlicensed financial services firms can be found in the Monetary Authority of Singapore's Investors Alert list on

Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd is incorporated in Singapore and holds a Capital Markets Services Licence for fund management activities under the Securities and Futures Act 2001. The directory of financial institutions in Singapore can be obtained from the MAS website at